With the holiday season rapidly approaching, you should already have your holiday social media strategy in the works if not already ongoing. Holidays social media posts are an important part of any social media marketing strategy and should be planned out weeks in advance, if not farther out. But what kind of social media posts are the best for holiday posting?
Should You Post Holiday Sales and Deals?
Customers love sales and discounts. If you have holiday promotions going on for certain products or services, don’t hesitate to use social media to let your users know about it. Social media is an excellent way to communicate holiday opportunities like this with your customers. The same goes for any events or giveaways that your company is planning. A lot of users may not check your website but may instead see your holiday post letting them know.
Is It Important to Stay Consistent?
Consistency is important in all types of social media posts. This means that it’s just as important during the holiday season. You can plan a series of holiday posts that connect to one another and act as a set. Even if the post content is different, you can keep posts looking similar by using the same color scheme, design, and even hashtags.
Holiday countdown posts can be a good way to keep an audience engaged throughout the holiday season. For example, if you have giveaways, you could do a twelve days of holiday giveaways series of posts.
Should I Use Holiday Hashtags?
Holiday hashtags can be a great way to keep your holiday social media posts consistent and branded. You can take the opportunity to create your own special holiday hashtags. It’s a good idea to make sure that the hashtags you use aren’t already being used for another purpose. This will help users find your holiday posts when they’re looking for them instead of having to filter through a lot of other content first. If your hashtags are branded, it’ll also be easier for you to engage with users who have reacted to or commented on your holiday social media posts.
What Type of Content Should a Holiday Social Media Post Include?
The holidays are an excellent opportunity to get users to share their own holiday traditions. Ask for input from your users to increase engagement. Other holiday post ideas include suggesting gift ideas, holiday recipes, craft ideas, and more. Lists are always great options.
How Important Is Engagement on Holiday Social Media Posts?
Engagement is an essential part of any social media marketing strategy and that is true throughout the year. However, the holidays present a unique engagement opportunity that may not be present during other parts of the year. When you publish holiday social media posts, take the extra time to engage with your followers. This will go a long way towards making them feel special, like they’re old friends of yours connecting during the holidays.